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Tom Theado
Posted on the 2024-05-06 at 17:50
Sorry for the typo . . . GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
Tom Theado
Posted on the 2024-05-06 at 17:47
Darn, cr-p, d-mn, and worse things I have learned since Spalding (or maybe at Spalding) to utter in such situations! Stephanie and I are booked to be far away that weekend and we will not be able to join you. God less you all, and us, and all of ours! Hugs, Tom
Laura Dodge Havran
Posted on the 2024-02-17 at 14:58
Things haven't changed; Mary Kae and I like to plan ahead. Hope you can join us for the Class of 1969 55th reunion in September. It will be a scaled down version. No t-shirts or mugs or cups. Just Pub Night at Industry Brewing, Mass where ever Jimmie choses, and Reunion Dinner at The Lindenhof. Once details firm up, I will post a printable form on the Event Details page and people can mail checks to Mary Kae. (Yeah, we are old school still - checks!) Via the Contacts page, let me know your updated snail mail address and also email address. I only have about half of the email addresses for our classmates. It would save us postage costs to email the reservation form vs postage for snail mailing the form. Hope to hear from all of you and "See You In September." (1966 The Happenings)